Computer everywhere but on the way out of the way

Computers spreading everywhere and they next step is for them to get out of the way. Physicians are spending more time with electronic medical records (EMR) and less time with patients but the real value will be when the physicians can spend more time with patients because they spend less time digging around trying to find things in the medical records.

We are getting the computing power now we need to focus of developing the intelligent software that predicts and provides what is needed. Even if it's right only part of time it can speed things up. First the desktop computer will disappear, then the laptop, and then even handheld computers will disappear because the computer brains will either be embedded in the the device and the device will be connected to hidden computer servers if it needs more power or more importantly integration with data. We will start to see thermometers, stethoscopes, pressure gauges, microscopes, X-rays, CTs, MRIs all hooked up to the networks of information that can tell when a medical measurement is out of the ordinary and what that may signify, but we won't even see the computers anymore.


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